Festival Hall Melbourne Tickets
300 Dudley Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003, Australia
Get Directions(Opens in new tab)All Events and Add-Ons 15 results
- 6/3/25Thursday 06:30 pmCAT POWER SINGS DYLAN: THE 1966 ROYAL ALBERT HALL CONCERTLow Availability
- 14/3/25Friday 06:00 pmALEXISONFIRE with Underoath
- 20/3/25Thursday 07:00 pmFat Freddy's Drop SLO MO ALBUM TOUR
- 5/4/25Saturday 08:00 pmSex Pistols featuring Frank Carter - Australia & New Zealand 2025
- 9/4/25Wednesday 07:00 pmDAY6 [FOREVER YOUNG] World TourNo Availability
- 26/4/25Saturday 07:00 pmNeck Deep - Dumbstruck Dumbf!*k Tour
- 3/5/25Saturday 07:00 pmSlowdive Australian Tour with special guest Beach Fossils
- 22/5/25Thursday 07:30 pmThe Red Clay Strays - These Moments Tour
- Presale happening now24/9/25Wednesday 07:00 pmThe Wombats 'Oh! The Tour' Australia
- 19/11/25Wednesday 08:00 pmPixies - Bossanova/Trompe Le Monde Set
- 20/11/25Thursday 08:00 pmPixies - Classic Pixies Set
- Presale happening now
- No date yetB.I HYPE UP TOURPostponedLow Availability
Venue Details
Festival Hall Melbourne,
300 Dudley Street, West Melbourne, VIC 3003, Australia
Get Directions(Opens in new tab)Melways reference - Map 2E Ref. G2
Tram: Routes 24,30,70 and the City Circle stop at the corner of Latrobe & Spencer Streets. Festival Hall is a 8 minute walk along Spencer Street away from the city and left into Dudley Street.
Train: North Melbourne Station 8 minute walk. Turn right directly outside the station and follow Railway Place down. The venue will be on your left
Spencer Street Station - 15 minute walk. Walk away from Southbank along Spencer Street and turn left into Dudley Street.
Last Suburban Trains from Southern Cross Station, Spencer Street, leave approx. 12am Mon-Sat and 11:30pm on Sun, however these are only a guide and you will need to see www.metlinkmelbourne.com.au for your Train Lines specific times.
Bus: Route 220 runs along Dudley Street, use stop number 5.
Taxi: For safety reasons, drop off and pick up should be made near the corner of Rosslyn St and Adderley St or further along either street away from the hall.
Taxis are advised on the event day of approx finishing times to encourage quicker service times to Festival Hall patrons.
* Prepaid Ticketmaster Ticket Collections *
Tickets will be available for collection from 288 Rosslyn Street behind Festival Hall, 1 hour prior to the event. The event night is the only time pre-paid tickets can be collected!
The Dudley Street Box Office is located at the Front of Festival Hall near the cloak room and the door 12.
Tickets can be purchased from 1 hour prior to doors on event nights from the Box Office on Dudley Street- subject to availability.
On event nights, Venue Collections are available from 1 hour prior to the event from the Ticket Sales window located at the front of the venue on Dudley St, near the Cloak Room.
The creditcard holder is the only person who can collect a prepaid ticket. The creditcard used to purchase the ticket(s) and photo ID must be presented at time of pickup.
Limited on street parking is available in the West Melbourne/ North Melbourne area. Telstra Dome, New Quay Docklands and 83 Batman Street paid car parks are also in close proximity to the hall.
Additional paid car parks are available but have restricted opening hours -
185 Rosslyn Street is open until 9pm on weekdays and midnight on Event Nights.
94 Batman Street until 11pm on weekdays and at the corner of Latrobe and Spencer Streets until 10pm every day.
Patron Drop Off and Pickup:
For safety reasons, patrons should not make arrangements to be dropped off or collected on Dudley Street.
Patrons should be dropped off and collected near the corner of Rosslyn St and Adderley St or further along either street away from the hall.
Melways reference: 2E H1.
Patrons with disabilities and their carers must contact Administration at Festival Hall directly to purchase tickets to all Festival Hall events on admin@festivalhall.com.au
For more information please see the Festival Hall Website on www.festivalhall.com.au
Note - patrons who purchase tickets to a LICENSED AREA must ensure all ticket holders will be 18+yrs at the event date and able to present 1 of the Government Approved ID's (learner or driver license, passport, proof of age card, keypass). NO ID, NO ENTRY, NO EXCHANGES, NO REFUNDS!
** Third Party Ticket Buyers **
Festival Hall does not recommend purchasing tickets through a third party ticket seller. EG eBay. Any ticket issues that arise from a third party purchase will not be considered!
Seating chart
Select the event to see the seating chart. Check availability above or on the event page.
Festival Hall Melbourne
This map doesn't reflect availability