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McDonald Jones Stadium Tickets

294 Turton Rd, Newcastle, NSW 2305, Australia

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Venue Details

McDonald Jones Stadium,

294 Turton Rd, Newcastle, NSW 2305, Australia

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A bus stop and taxi rank is located at the front of the stadium on Turton Road. The nearest railway station is Broadmeadow, approximately a 15 minute walk from the stadium. For bus and train timetable information, please visit For special events, transport arrangements may differ. Visit for up to date transport information.
On standard event days tickets are available from the box offices located at the western, southern and northern entrances. Opening times may vary.
EFTPOS, MasterCard, Visa, American Express
Parking on standard game days is available only for vehicles with a pre-paid parking ticket. Limited disabled parking is available at the front of the grandstand which are also to be pre-purchased. For special events, parking arrangements may differ. Visit for up to date parking information.
Disabled seating is available in both the Eastern and Western Grandstands on the lower and upper levels. Lift access is available to the upper level. The disabled entrance to the Eastern Grandstand is at the southwest corner of the stadium, or the main (Turton Rd) entrance for the Western Grandstand.
Smoking is not permitted in the grandstand or seated areas. Alcohol, glass, trumpets, flares, whistles, animals, open soft drink containers, fireworks, laser lights, cans and anything that can be used as a weapon.
Varies from event to event. Please refer to event information for clarification.
MCDONALD JONES STADIUM 294 Turton Rd, New Lambton Newcastle, NSW 2305 There are ATMs located on the lower level of the Andrew Johns Grandstand and Western Grandstand.

Seating chart

Select the event to see the seating chart. Check availability above or on the event page.

McDonald Jones Stadium

Newcastle Jets FC

This map doesn't reflect availability

Venue seating chart for Newcastle Jets FC for reference only